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About Us

Since 1985, the Peace Caucus has served to make visible, as expressed in APHA’s 2009 policy statement, that “war has profound public health consequences, and it is an entirely preventable source of some the world’s worst public health catastrophes.” Our work reflects how public health intersects with militarism, war, and conflict and climate and racial-social justice.  


We are a focal point for individuals committed to social justice and creation of peace through public health, and scores of members have volunteered to advance policy, research, and practice in these areas. 


Our activities typically center around the national APHA meeting, with sessions organized on such topics as militarism, the health effects of nuclear weapons production, weapons of mass destruction, racism and structural violence, health consequences of conflict, war and torture, and the primary prevention of war and violence. View programs past and present here.

The Peace Caucus also develops position papers and resolutions. Members have worked collaboratively to pass numerous policies at the APHA national meeting since 1985, most recently on the health harms of nuclear weapons research, development, testing, production, and use in 2020. We also collaborated on the 2009 APHA statement about health professionals’ and advocates’ roles in relation to armed conflict and war. Learn more about our past and present policy work here.

Our History

The Peace Caucus was founded in 1985 with 116 members after then APHA president Dr. Victor Sidel’s closing session covered “Prevention of Nuclear War as a Public Health Priority.” Throughout the years, the Peace Caucus has come to encompass both national and international foci, working to illuminate both the health impacts of war, conflict, and structural violence as well as upstream interventions and efforts to achieve their primary prevention. 


The Peace Caucus has mainly organized around a scientific program at APHA annual meetings and side events, including film screenings, photography exhibitions, and demonstrations. Members have also engaged in public policy, especially through APHA policy statements. 


Members of the Caucus have also collaborated to write research papers and books through the Public Health Working Group on the Primary Prevention of War which was founded in 2011. The Working Group was dissolved in 2022, with members continuing to work within the existing structures of the Peace Caucus and organizational partners to continue their collaborative research, teaching, and policy engagement efforts.

Learn more about our history in this powerpoint.


Our Team

The work of the Peace Caucus is conducted by dedicated volunteers. The steering committee leads the Caucus and maintains our relationship with the American Public Health Association. Its activities include engaging membership through the organization of quarterly meetings, representing the Caucus in the APHA Caucus Collaborative, and serving as ex-officio non-voting member of the APHA Governing Council.


Our committees include:

  • The Program Committee, which organizes sessions and side events for the APHA annual meeting as well as independent webinars and events throughout the year. The committee typically includes liaisons from other APHA groups and entities to streamline planning on topics and issues of shared interest.

  • The Policy Committee, which proposes and develops resolutions and position statements for APHA and other policy making opportunities in collaboration with other organizations and APHA groups. The Committee mobilizes members to support relevant policies and their implementation.  

  • The Communications Committee, which manages the Caucus website, social media, and newsletter. The Committee also tracks relevant events, opportunities, and resources to share with our members and facilitate connections within the broader peace and health community.


Current Leaders and Openings

Steering Committee 

Chair: Robert Gould

Caucus Collaborative Representative and Governing Councilor: Robert Gould

Immediate Past Co-Chairs: Robert Gould and Valerie Pacino

Secretary: vacant

Treasurer & Membership Chair: vacant

Program Co-Chairs: Anlan Cheney, Jonathan King, Patrice Sutton

Policy Chair: vacant

Communications Chair: Anlan Cheney


Program Committee 

Co-Chairs: Anlan Cheney, Jonathan King, Patrice Sutton

Public Health Nursing liaison: Kasey Bellegarde


Policy Committee 

Chair: vacant


Communications Committee 

Chair: Anlan Cheney


If you are interested in a position or would like to join a committee, please email or fill out the contact form on our homepage.​


Follow us @APHAPeaceCaucus

©2021 by Peace Caucus in affiliation with the American Public Health Association.

  Website designed by Romit Nagda. Website development made possible due to the support of Christiaan Morssink. 

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