APHA Policy Statements
The Peace Caucus creates, endorses, and promotes policy statements submitted to and passed by the American Public Health Association related to peace and health. For more information about public health advocacy and how you can help influence public policy for peace, justice, and health, visit this APHA webpage.
Some adopted and submitted statements that the Peace Caucus and its members have supported or find historically important include:
LB20-05 Advancing Public Health Interventions to Address the Harms of the Carceral System
20208 A Call to End the Bombing of Yemen and the Blockade on Its Ports
20188 Advancing the Health of Refugees and Displaced Persons
201811 Addressing Law Enforcement Violence as a Public Health Issue
LB-16-01 The United Nations' Accountability for its Role in the Haitian Cholera Epidemic
20155 Cleanup of U.S. Military Burn Pits in Iraq and Afghanistan
20157 Public Health Opportunities to Address the Health Effects of Climate Change
- 201411 Removing Barriers to Mental Health Services for Veterans
- 20123 Cessation of Military Recruiting in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools
- 20092 Border Crossing Deaths: A Public Health Crisis Along the US–Mexico Border
- 20095 The Role of Public Health Practitioners, Academics, and Advocates in Relation to Armed Conflict and War
- 20075 Agent Orange
- 200718 Opposition to US Attack on Iran
- 200617 Opposition to the Continuation of the War in Iraq
- 20051 Condemning the Cooperation of Health Professional Personnel in Physical and Mental Abuse and Torture of Military Prisoners and Detainees
- 200324 Opposition to United States Plans for New Nuclear Weapons Development and Pre-emptive War
- 200211 Opposing War in Central Asia and the Persian Gulf
- 200119 Opposition to National Missile Defense and the Militarization of Space
- 200030 Preventing Genocide
- 9926 Support for Research on the Socioeconomic Causes of Violence
- 9817 Arms Trade Code of Conduct
- 9605 Cessation of Nuclear Testing and Abolition of Nuclear Weapons
- 9310 Exchange of Medical Supplies, Information, and Personnel with Cuba
- 9311 A Ban on Antipersonnel Landmines
- 9212 The Health of Refugees and Displaced Persons: A Public Health Priority
- 9122 The Impact of Political Violence on Health and Health Services in South Africa
- 9123 Social Practice of Mass Imprisonment
- 9124 Continuing Consequences of the Vietnam War
- 8715 End to Nuclear Weapons Testing and the Strategic Defense Initiative SDI
- 8724 Opposition to Contra Aid In Nicaragua
- 8917 Public Health Hazards at Nuclear Weapons Facilities
- 8918 Delay of Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), A Nuclear Waste Repository, Until Safety Is Assured
- ​8305 Intervention in Grenada
- 8306 The Health Effects of United States Intervention in Nicaragua
- 8214 Reaction to the Attack in the Nuclear Freeze Movement
- 8225 Apartheid Policy of the Republic of South Africa
- 8116 Civilian-Military Contingency Hospital System
- 8117 Nuclear War and Nuclear Weapons
- 7909 Nuclear Power
- 7913 World Peace and the Military Budget
- 7424 Racism in the Health Care Delivery System
- ​7412 Chemical and Biological Methods of Warfare
- see also #6901 Chemical and Biological Methods of Warfare
- 6918 The Vietnam War
- 6108 Fallout Shelter Standards
- 6117 Increased Radiological Monitoring of Public Water Supplies
- 6006 Defense Against Disaster
- 5402 Status of US Public Health Service